Was It Just Plain Luck?


Some have asked if it was planned or a lucky photo opportunity. I did plan it. As a professional photographer that is what I do. I got the idea while sitting at a traffic light. In front of me was a dog in the back of a pick up truck. I envisioned a vintage red truck and began searching for one. Found a couple that weren’t quite right. One wasn’t even drivable. Then one day I saw this truck drive through an intersection in Raleigh. So I followed him. When he stopped at the next traffic light, I got out, ran up to him and told him my idea. He was all for it. I had already scouted locations and had one that was perfect. My friend Maggie had a Dalmatian. Now everything was in place so we set it up for one Sunday afternoon. There you have it.

Charles Register is a North Carolina photographer and videographer with over 30 years experience producing quality, creative imagery for corporations, advertising agencies, magazines and small businesses in boardrooms, resorts and remote locations around the world.  Emphasis on travel and tourism, master planned communities, lifestyle, environmental portraiture, architectural photography, scenic landscapes and golf courses. Contact for assignments at 919 414.8235 or charles@charlesregister.com and please visit https://charlesregister.com